Previous paper class 7th(S.St)

Q. No. 1: Encircle the correct option: /36

  1. Oceans are of the total Earths mass:
    a. 1/1,000,000
    b. 2/10,000
    c. 1/1,000
    d. 2/1.000, 000
  2. Seismic waves are of __ kinds.
    a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five
  3. The mouth of the volcano is known as:
    a. Vent b. Cones c. Crater d. Caldera
  4. How many active volcanoes in the world?
    a. 500 to 800
    b. 600 to 800
    c. 500 to 700
    d. 500 to 600
  5. Chemical union of water with a mineral is called:
    a. Oxidation
    b. Carbonation
    c. Solution
    d. Hydration
  6. Exogenetic forces are those forces that operate _ the surface of the earth.
    a. Inside b. Outside c. Within d. On
  7. Erosion is a _ process.
    a. Continuous b. Static c. Dynamic d. Constant
  8. The amount of carbon dioxide is:
    a. 78.03% b. 20.99% c. 0.94% d. 0.03%
  9. Stratosphere extends up to a height of:
    a. 20km b. 60km c. 50km d. 80km
  10. The boiling point of a water is:
    a. 32ºF b. 212 ºF c. 42 ºF d. 100 ºF
  11. Air temperature is now automatically recorded by:
    a. Thermistors
    b. Thermometer
    c. Altimeter
    d. Resistor
  12. The pressure exerted by the atmosphere on the earth is called:
    a. Atmospheric pressure
    b. Atmospheric altitude
    c. Atmospheric temperature
    d. Atmospheric belts
  13. _ in India is the world’s wettest region.
    a. Pataliputara
    b. Dehli
    c. Chirrapunji
    d. Calicut
  14. Condensation is the opposite of:
    a. Precipitation
    b. Evaporation
    c. Collision
    d. Humidity