Previous paper class 9th(Biology)

Q No. 1: Encircle the correct option:

  1. Which of these major bio elements in the highest percentage in protoplasm:
    a. Carbon
    b. Hydrogen
    c. Oxygen
    d. Fungi
  2. Malaria is sparrow is transmitted by:
    a. Culex
    b. Anopheles
    c. Both
    d. None
  3. Which scientist introduce the taxa of “class” and “species”
    a. John Roy
    b. Caolus linnaeous
    c. Tournefort
    d. None
  4. The cell wall of fungi is made up of:
    a. Cellulose
    b. Chition
    c. Both
    d. None
  5. The growth of abnormal cells is called:
    a. Tumors
    b. Benign
    c. Metastasis
    d. None
  6. Cell membrane makes irregular buds known as:
    a. Apoptatic bodies
    b. Blebs
    c. Infection
    d. None
  7. Pepsin enzyme working in the stomach cavity. Pepsin enzyme is:
    a. Extracellular
    b. Intracellular
    c. Intermediate
    d. All
  8. In which of the following steps of respirations Co2 is produced?
    a. Glycolysis
    b. Kreb cycle
    c. Electron transport chain
    d. All
  9. What is the percentage of carbon hydrate in rice?
    a. 23% b. 52 c. 19% d. 7%
  10. Where are villi found?
    a. Esophagus
    b. Stomach
    c. Small intestine
    d. Large intestine
  11. In stomach pepsinogen converted into:
    a. Pepsin
    b. Bicarbonate
    c. HCL
    d. Gastrin
  12. Family of pea is:
    a. Pisum
    b. Fabales
    c. Fabacea
    d. None