Previous paper class 7th(English)

QNo 1: Encircle the correct option: (30)1: Robert Louis Stevenson was one of the ……………. Poet.a) American b) British c) Pakistan d) Scottish2: The poem affect …………. Lives.a) Young ones b) children’s c) Birds d) old folk3: poet find it unfair to get up and sleep too early in …………a) Winter b) spring c) summer… Continue reading Previous paper class 7th(English)

Previous paper class 7th(Computer)

Q#3. Fill in the blanks. (10*2=22) ————————–extracts instruction from memory and decode and execute them. ———————Perform arithmetic and logical operation. ———————is the memory from which can only read but cannot write on it. An ——————-is an electronic card that is used to add extra functionality to acomputer. A—————————– is a set of lines of different… Continue reading Previous paper class 7th(Computer)

Previous paper class 7th(English) Answer the following questions. 10/ What happened to Tyke after she rang the bell?Ans.________________________________________________________________________________ Mother are the blessings of Allah for us. Discuss it in your own words.Ans.________________________________________________________________________________ What was the special ability of Prophet Sulayman(A.S)?boughSequentialgougeSparklewreck3 Subject, Class, 5th Term (2020) Name: _________, ID:___________Ans.________________________________________________________________________________ What do you know about the Bird’s Nest Stadium?Ans.________________________________________________________________________________… Continue reading Previous paper class 7th(English)

Previous paper class 7th(computer science)

Q#3 fill in the blanks. 2*5=101.__shows all e-mails you have sent from an e-mail address. 2.__________is when you respond to an e-mail message.3.The categories of media generally include :text sound, graphics /images___________and video. 4.________ can contain layouts, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects,backgrounds styles!, contents, etc.5.The movement from one side to another in the slide… Continue reading Previous paper class 7th(computer science)

Previous paper class 7th(Islamiayt)

درست جواب کے گرد دائرہ لگائیں.1(اپنے مسلمان بھائی کی تیمارداری کرنے والے کیلئےمغفرت کی دعا کرتے ہیں.ا(پچاس ہزار فرشتے ب(ساٹھ ہزار فرشتےج(ستر ہزار فرشتے د(اسی ہزار فرشتے2(حضرت شیخ فریدالدین گنج شکر)رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ( نے عمر پائی:ا(39 برس ب(39 برسج(39 برس د(39 برس3(ابن خلدون پیدا ہوئے:ا(قاہرہ میں ب(تیونس میںج(شام میں د(بغداد میں9)صالح الدین ایوبی کا… Continue reading Previous paper class 7th(Islamiayt)

Previous paper class 7th(urdu)

سوال نمبر 2 -دیے ہو ۓ بیانات میں سے درست اور غلط کی نشان د ہی کریں 5/1 -بند باندھنے کا منصو بہ دریاۓ فرات کے لیے بنایا گیا تھا –2 -ابن الہیثم نے مستقل طور پر سرکاری مال زمت اختیار کر لی –3 -ا بن الہیثم کی کتاب کا نام کتاب روشنی ہے –4… Continue reading Previous paper class 7th(urdu)

Previous paper class 7th(S.St)

Q# Encircle the correct option: 401: Baber ascended the throne at the age of ————.A) 44 b) 33 c) 22 d 112: Humayun ruled India ———– in his life.a) never b) once c) twice d) three3: Noor Jahan is a patron of———.a) calligraphy b) architecture c) poetry d) painting4: Alamgir ruled over India for ——–… Continue reading Previous paper class 7th(S.St)

Previous paper class 7th(science)

Q# 1 Encircle the correct option. /30 Unit of frequency is __ .a) Meter b)Hertz c) Crest d) Trough Newton’s disk is made up of colours.a) 5 b) 7 c) 9 d)153) colour of light refracts maximum.a) Red b)Green c) Yellow d) Blue4) Blue and Red colors makes color.a) Magenta b) Cyan c) Yellow d)… Continue reading Previous paper class 7th(science)